Introducing: Bergnacht
After months of trial and error, I am so happy to be able to finally introduce a new range: Bergnacht. Bergnacht means ‘mountain night’ and the inspiration is taken from the nights in the Swiss mountains - one in particular.
When I was eighteen, we went on a school trip to climb the Schwarzhorn - which, with 3,146 meters above sea level, is the highest mountain in all of Davos. For that, we had to get up at 3am. A minibus took us up into the Flüela valley, where our hike started. This is a remote area, with zero light pollution. I have seen the night sky many, many times, studied it with my telescope. But never before, have I been able to see the actual milkyway. It was mindblowing.
After a long climb up, we made it to the summit just in time to see the sunrise.
With this range, I have tried to recreate that night: the deep black of the night and the multitude of stars in the sky above. I hope you will like it as much as I do.