Wake me up when October ends…

I have some exciting news:

I will be exhibiting at the Living North Christmas Fair in York from 9th-12th November 2023! So if you are there, come see me, say hi, have a chat, look at my stuff, buy a pot even - it’s always better to see the pots in person.

Having said that, I’m busy stocking up for this fair. I was prepared, with a spreadsheet and weekly/monthly milestones (because I’m a geek) and was doing well, but then the summer holidays happened, the kids were at home and plans got cancelled, which interrupted the work flow. Then school started again and the first bug hit. Now that everyone’s back on track again, I’m trying to play catch up.

I’m nearly ready to introduce my new range, which I’m very excited about. Just a few more kilns to go and then taking photos. It should be ready before the fair. Fingers crossed.

This is my first big fair, so I’m not really sure how much to take and what to make, so it’s a bit of a gamble. The logical decision was to go with what sold well in previous fairs. I’m happy with what I have so far, so I hope people will like it, too.

As you can see, I have a lot of work to do this month. I know the song goes “wake me up when September ends”, but that’s October for me.

Stay well.

x Gabi


Living North Christmas Fair


A little update