A little update
I haven’t been able to do much this week. I was pretty much banned from the studio because of the heat. My studio is in a garage, which gets very hot in summer and very cold in winter.
So instead I have dedicated the time to revamp the website, changing the look to make it a bit more consistent. There are still some things I would like to do. For example, I would like to offer the possibility to subscribe to a (quarterly) newsletter. But currently I am hard pushed for time to do this. Due to personal life I don’t get very much time in the studio at the moment, so I prefer making over admin and writing.
Another thing I want to do is make the ranges accessible, so if you want something from, say the Aurora range you can just click on a button and you’ll see all the pots from that particular range.
But this is all quite time consuming and fiddly work on a screen. So it might have to wait for a bit.
Pottery-wise I am very excited about a new range I will be introducing soon. I have been busy testing the clay and glazes, and the results are stunning - in my opinion. Also, I have been looking at reducing studio expenses, so I have been trying out new clays. One of them looks very promising, but I have to see how it interacts with the glazes. Due to the heat, I will not be doing any firings this week. I think I would melt.
I’m also redesigning the DAVOS mugs, to get a more consistent look. There’s a sculpture I have been working on for the past four months. The drawings all look lovely, but making it proves to be a bit of a challenge. So far, I have had four failed attempts. And then I am still trying to finish up the Smart Makers Guide to Wholesale course (I had to pause because life sometimes takes over). My sketchbook is full with ideas I would like to try out. Lastly, I intend to apply for a fair. Should they accept, this will take over the rest of the year’s production.
Stay cool. Literally.
x Gabi